Egret Bay before Nasa rd 1

Webster, TexasJun 22, 20101 Comments

The road is a four lane highway. The bridge over part of clear lake obstructs your view. The sit at the base of the bridge most every day.

Just to clarify, they are all over the place but this is the general area. Once you start topping the bridge (heading towards NASA#1), just let off the gas. They sit in the place mentioned and many times, I see them off to the right in the parking lots or driveways halfway between the bridge and NASA#1. They will laser people as they top the bridge...right when you hit the city limits. Like the submitter said, this is a three lane road on both sides with a turn lane and no business or resident directly against the road. It is ridiculous that the speed limit is so low. Definitely a speed trap in both Webster and League City.
#1Feb 23, 2011Report Abuse

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