Ellerslie Avenue near The Boulevard

Colonial Heights, VirginiaApr 01, 20082 Comments

The Colonial Heights Police sit at the bottom of the railroad overpass just East of Colonial Square Shopping Center and wait for drivers to come over the bridge exceeding 35 mph. I have seen drivers stopped at all times of the day and evening but mostly they stop drivers after dark.

Ellerslie Avenue is used as a short cut by Chesterfield drivers who are late to work or in a hurry to get home from work. First: The speed limit is posted and has been posted for over 25 years. Second: Ellerslie is used mainly by local folks. Third: Good local law enforcement!
#1May 05, 2010Report Abuse
I could not disagree more with the other comment. First: Your implication is that just because the speed limit is posted and has been for 25 years, anyone getting ticketed on this stretch of road is deserving of the results. The logical extension of your premise, then, is that there is no such thing as a speed trap. Why are you even on this site? Second: Ellerslie Avenue is a 5-lane thoroughfare, used by City as well as Chesterfield residents. What evidence do you have that this route is used as a short cut by Chesterfield drivers who are "late for work", and why would this even matter? Third: Are you a member of "local law enforcement"?
#2Mar 01, 2011Report Abuse

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