Enitre stretch of Peninsula Blvd. in Lynbrook

Lynbrook, New YorkApr 08, 20102 Comments

I have seen both marked and unmarked cars, usually a dark-colored Crown Victoria along Peninsula Blvd. at all hours with a radar mounted on the side.
The Lynbrook P.D.’s primary function is to bring in revenue via traffic tickets.
Any serious crimes are handled by Nassau County P.D., so be aware when driving in Lynbrook.

I am new to this site and mistakenly added to the "this is NOT a speed trap" BY MISTAKE. This is a sometimes speedtrap, but a huge moneymaker for Lynbrook. Penn Bvld goes from 45 MPH as a twisty turny road in Rockville center, to a perfectly straight stretch in Lynbook but drops to 30 MPH. Most days the unmarked village cop is not out, when he is out he is brutally efficient and sometimes pulls over multiple cars at once. Here is what happens, - after you get the ticket you can go to court - in court they say, they only want to hear guilty or not-guilty, they beg not to hear stories - they tell you if you plead guilty tonight you get 4 points and (about) $175 penalty - if you plead not guilty, you will come back on another day (they give you the date so you can check your calendar). ALWAYS TAKE THIS CHOICE AND COME BACK. IT IS WORTH IT. - when you come back, you don;t have to say a word, they offer you a plead down to a parking ticket for the same $175. duh, no points
#1Jan 18, 2014Report Abuse
The Lynbrook PD is the worst, they truly are Traffic cops with guns, they are condescending, rude and arrogant, and if you do receive a ticket and your speed was on Radar, fight it because as the quote below says, if we do nothing, evil triumphs/. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.-Edmund Burke
#2May 27, 2014Report Abuse

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