Fernwood-Glendale Road near East Main Street

Spartanburg, South CarolinaJul 06, 20080 Comments

Spartanburg Police often run radar on Fernwood-Glendale between the Fire Station and Jesse Boyd Elementary School. The Shrine Club parking lot is a not-unusual place for them to park, but it isn’t the only place along that stretch. The speed limit is 35 (dating from the days when this part of the road was only two lanes) and should probably be raised to 40 now that the road is wider and has a turn lane in the middle, but currently it isn’t. People should slow down, especially if they’re going the 45, 50, or more one often sees when driving there. Enforcement is becoming more frequent, probably because the police know they’re doing the proverbial "hunting on a baited field" thing: but if drivers do the legal speed limit, they can avoid the whole problem.

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