Gardiner Expressway East exit to Park Lawn Road

Toronto, OntarioSep 28, 20101 Comments

Until they “fixed” the off ramp you could go almost 100 km/h up to the intersection
Now as soon as you come off the highway it drops to 70 km/h and further down to 50 km/h for no reason
The cop hides just as 70 goes to 50 / they must be making a fortune at this one

Have witnessed other drivers get nailed here. Speed limit is set artificially low too early makes it an easy speeding ticket revenue generator for the city. Use your cruise control... set it to no more than 75km/h and start slowing down as soon as you see that 50 sign so that you're not going more than 60 with the stupidly-low 50 zone starts.
#1Sep 06, 2011Report Abuse

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