Grand Avenue-east of the Underpass

River Grove, IllinoisMar 09, 20101 Comments

This is just east of the new underpass on the Franklin Park, River Grove border. Seems to always be a River Grove cop sitting on the south side of Grand. Easy to pick up speed as you go through the unpderpass. Then they are waiting just where the speed limit drops to 30 mph. You can’t see him from the street till it’s too late!

That is not a River Grove cop. It is Franklin Park police. The underpass is in Franklin Park. You do not cross into River Grove until you pass Elm St. going towards Des Plaines River Rd. Sometime he is there. Common sense. Slow down as you go on the decline and you'll spot him quick. He is in plain sight either parked on Willow Rd. or on the driveway alongside the south sidewalk.
#1Jan 04, 2013Report Abuse

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