Hebron Road

Granby, MissouriJun 08, 20041 Comments

This particular road has a 25 MPH, however due to the nature of the road (its a back road, chip & seal) and the fact that there is constant traffic with a distinct lack of small children, the speed limit should be at least 45.

The Granby Police know that there is a tendency to speed on this road, and they will pull you over for anything over. Also, be advised that since this is a High School town, the Cops are also quite eager to pull anyone over.

This is not a speed trap! It is a chip and seal type of road way but, the road is curvy and has sever bus stops on it. In the morning numerous busses use this route to the high school that is 4 miles away. It is a hazard to drive more than the speed limit posted. Dont be an idiot, know that you are talking about. 45 MPH...give me a break. It takes no longer to drive that stretch of road safely at 25 than it does to accelerate and then have to brake hard to make the shar turn at the end of it. ask the neighbor's on the road how many times they have had to fix the fence that the drivers go thru when exceeding the 25 MPH speed limit. Get Educated about the geographic make up about the roads you are talking about. Granby Police have never written a ticket on that road for less than 10 mph over. good grief..know something about what you are talking about before you act like you do.
#1Oct 07, 2010Report Abuse

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