Henry Hudson Pkwy South by Dyckman Exit and H.Hudson Pkwy service ramp under G.W.Bridge

Bronx, New YorkJun 13, 20021 Comments

Waiting by Dyckman exit and entrance ramp on the Henry Hudson Pkwy right before it turns from 40 to 50 M.P.H. Also right under the G.W. Bridge serivce ramp South bound on Henry Hudson Pkwy. NYPD highway patrol uses the unfair practice of "visual approximation" to determine which car they feel was hit by their radar.

unfair visual approximation??? The law requires this "visual approximation" to determine a vehicle's speed, a Police Officer must be trained and certified to do so, and typically is accurate to within + or - 2 MPH of the actual speed, the RADAR's purpose is only to confirm it. To put it another way, the Officer cannot make his case using just the RADAR to determine the speed, the case will be dismissed if he does.
#1Mar 30, 2011Report Abuse

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