Highway 26 near Tie Hack Monument

Dubois, WyomingJul 10, 20190 Comments

Speed limit is 70 but a few miles before Tie Hack Monument there is ONE sign that is a road work sign. clearly been there a long time weeds growing around it. I had my cruise set at 98 kms as I am from Canada that is 60.89 in MPH. I was on a motorcycle touring across North America. I had made it to California from Kingston Ontario with almost no interstates traveled, and was on my way back. I was in no hurry as the whole purpose of traveling the back roads is to see the country. suddenly a state trooper came around the bend toward me I didn’t even touch the speed as I was well under the limit, as soon as he passed me his lights came on and he spun around and came after me.. I had no idea why… So I pulled off into the Tie Hack Monument parking area and started to get off my bike. I’m Canadian and that’s what we do get off and go see the officer…. Was told by loud speaker to stay on the bike and show him my hands.. So I put my hands up.. He then came up to me and ask if I knew how fast I was going. I told him yes my cruise was set at 98 kmph which is about 61 MPH and I was GPS tracked and he was on camera as I have front and rear facing camera’s with audio… Was then told to shut off my cameras which as a good Canadian I did as I was told. He then ask me if I knew the speed limit I said yes we just passed a sign and it said 70 MPH so I then ask if I was going to slow…. I had only seen and met about 4 cars in the last hour….. That road is not busy. He said you seen the speed sign so you must have seen the construction sign. Yes I said it was about 5 miles back but there is no workers or and no construction on this highway. Well in Wyoming in a construction zone the speed limit is 55 and I clocked you at 72mph. Well I said there is no way I was doing 72mph and no sign anywhere stating 55mph on this highway. He said as soon as a construction sign is posted the speed limit is 55 I need your license and insurance…. So I started to get off the bike again and he said did i say you could get off the bike….Nope i said but if you ask for my papers so unless you want to get them yourself in the side bag i need to get off….. at 60 years old I can’t bend back there…….. I was now starting to understand this “cop” was being a jerk. so he stood back put his hand on his weapon and said ok get them….. I produced the papers and he said wait here and went back to his car. So as i was standing there i though to get some pictures of the area and the Tie Hack Monument. I started to walk over to the monument and took out my camera… The loud speaker barked “stay with your bike” Like a 60 year old Canadian is going to run away from his $25,000 Honda Goldwing in the middle of nowhere…… after about 5 minutes he came over with a ticket and as he was handing them to me a car with New York plates went by, He ran to his car and took off lights and siren after them. I am a retired police officer and there is no way the New York car was doing over 55. It had slowed down to come into the area but decided not to so drove off… I packed up my stuff and left. At a gas station down the road i said to the old clerk who noticed i was from Canada that i got a welcome from state police… He said in the construction zone trap….. Yup i said… ya he only gets out of state cars as the construction was finished about 3 years ago Locals would go to court I recommend you just rip up the ticket and screw them… so i did

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