Highway 301 Southbound into town.

Lawtey, FloridaMar 02, 20112 Comments

I am always cautious in Bradford County because the whole county is a corrupt, notorious speed trap. I was in a U.S. Government vehicle, dressed in a suit, on my way to a meeting at 10AM on a Monday morning. I was coasting into town in a group of other cars watching the signs. I would have had to hit the brakes in order to get slow fast enough. I was stopped by a police car that was an elderly Ford with a single bubble on the top. The cop was slovenly dressed and unshaved. He would have been a disgrace in a Mexican border town. The ticket was $280. Pure robbery. I’m convinced they set up on during business hours and pick business people on purpose because they will pay the tickets. It’s all about revenue and it is an embarassment to law enforcement.

I haved lived in northern Florida for 50 years. The only thing that Lawtey is more noted for than thier speed trap is the totally corrupt police department and judicial system. It really does not matter if you are speeding or not. If they decide to give you a ticket they will.
#1Mar 16, 2011Report Abuse
Agree 100%. I was from another state and driving a rental car. Saw the warning signs heading into town and was paying special attention, along with my wife, to the speed limit signs. Was flowing with traffic and it went from 45mph to 20mph at a light with a school sign above the road. He said I was at 37mph in the 20mph zone... apparently still slowing down. Gave me a ticket for that said I owed $391. We paid online and it showed that we only owed $241. Good thing we didn't just send in the money or we would have paid $150 too much. Along with their other wonderful attributes, apparently the cops there can't add either.
#2Mar 23, 2011Report Abuse

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