HIghway 520

Dawson, GeorgiaOct 27, 20161 Comments

Dawson Police stoppped a car that blocked one lane at intersection of 520/Randolph St.; police car pulled behind and blocked the other lane of Randolph Street effectively blocking the whole road, with cars waiting to go onto 520. The policeman left his car blocking the road to go to the window of the stopped car. One car on Randolph St. had to turn around in the road to take a different route. As it was trying to turn around a truck came off 520, drove over the curb behind the police car in his way, turned onto Randolph St. and almost plowed into the car that was turning around. All because the police had the speeding ticket as his priority. Traffic that should have been able to move was completely halted, with a near accident, because of the blocked lanes that should have been open. This city has become obsessed with stopping drivers all day every day. It is nearly impossible to go through Dawson without seeing several cars stopped. It has developed into a serious speed trap.

Yes, I know what you are talking about. I live here and see it every day. Going to the post office or downtown I am blinded by blue lights. This is more than a speed trap, it is a money stealing nightmare.
#1Oct 29, 2016Report Abuse

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