Highway 72-North Courtland

Courtland, AlabamaJan 01, 20022 Comments

Highway 72 between North Courtland and Town Creek is a terrible Speed Trap. Also, supposedly the North Courtland Police are not certified by the state to write tickets on Highway 72.

The North Courtland Police are certified law enforcement officers who can and Will write you a speeding ticket on U.S. Alt 72/AL Hwy 20. Use common sense, if you're not being excessive with it most officers give a little slack.
#1Jan 21, 2010Report Abuse
YES,North Courtland can and WILL write tickets on US Highway 20/72Alternate.The catch in the law that is being spoken of is that it MUST be inside their city limits boundaries where the offense occurs.
#2Oct 20, 2017Report Abuse

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