Highway 99 at Fulquartz Landing Road

Dundee, OregonOct 01, 20013 Comments

This is a really vicious speedtrap. The southbound highway goes from 1 lane to 2 just before it crests a hill, and vehicles in the LH lane are normally passing slower traffic at this point and accelerating down the hill. The cop stations itself with a laser gun in a private driveway about 100 yards from the crest of the hill, and fires the laser at cars just coming over the crest as they are accelerating. Because of the hill, a laser detector will not pick up the beam before it is actually clocking your vehicle. Don’t vote for any police levy in any jurisdiction as long as your tax dollars are being spent on speed traps. If the cops don’t have anything better than that to do with their time, they are overstaffed.

I drive this regularly. I've never seen police here, and it is dangerous when some drivers impatiently stab their accelerator pedals to get past a slower vehicle. They need to be slowed down. It is not a speed trap when drivers are required to obey laws.
#1Sep 14, 2010Report Abuse
This is DEFINiTELY a superstar with OSP parked in a middle divider using Ka band radar and laser to pull people over. They are aggressive and looking for ways to bring in revenue through tickets!
#2Oct 23, 2015Report Abuse
This is DEFINITELY a Speed Trap with Oregon State Police parked in the middle of HWY 99 and employing both radar and/or laser to pull over cars that are accelerating over the crest of the hill. Whenever I drive through this area, there is usually an Oregon State Police car/SUV, checking speeds with radar/laser. Watch out! Oregon State Police are now operating Ka-band radar, in addition to the x-, and k-band radar. Beware that they will also pace you in their cars and issue speeding tickets.
#3Nov 04, 2015Report Abuse

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