Hwy 22

Frost, TexasJul 29, 20032 Comments

Posted speed limit goes from 75 (daytime) to 45 in just a small distance. Local Frost (Pop. 680) chief sits in ditch and puts radar on you when you hit the 45 mph sign (he says). No way to get to the legal speed in that distance.

What is the correct definition of a speed trap? I was told it meant that a town or city received a certain percentage of their revenue from traffic citations. This is not true of Frost. Yes, you will get a ticket if you don't obey the law. The slow-down from 70, to 55, to 45 is there for a reason. We want no more traffic deaths because of speeding on highway 22. I travel this road practically everyday and have no trouble slowing down, as do many, many others. Also, every traffic citation is taped, so you do have the opportunity to request a review of of your violation.
#1May 11, 2010Report Abuse
Yes Frost does get a percentage of their revenue from traffic citations, that is where Frost gets there revenue from. The city board wants them to write as many tickets as they can because they are losing money on the water bill.
#2Nov 04, 2010Report Abuse

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