Hwy 411 Polk County

Benton, TennesseeApr 02, 20101 Comments

The police car was sitting by the Municipal building by the fenced trash. He spotted us and we knew he would be coming. It is not like we were speeding excessively, it is that it was where the speed limit dropped to 45mph. It is a long stretch of road and he took his time before he finally pulled out. He caught up with at the red light and just sat there behind us maybe running the tag #. The blue lights came on when the light turned green. I guess it was the Georgia plates! He said the radar showed we were doing 56mph but he would drop it to 51mph in a 45. The ticket was $98.00.

Same thing happened to a gal friend coming from Georgia north on Hwy 411 to visit me. I had warned her about Benton speed limits and she says she slowed down. Was following 3 cars in front of her but she was only one stopped. To make matters worse, about the time she would have mailed the payment she got sick, had to have emergency surgery, had a reaction to one of the medications. She remembered the ticket a week after finally getting back home, called the Benton number listed on the ticket to explain, was bluntly told to mail an additional $50 because of all the extra paperwork her ticket would require.
#1Sep 02, 2011Report Abuse

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