Hwy 441 intersects with School Road

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaOct 19, 20220 Comments

The city has setup a speed camera on the south end of the city, where 441 intersects with School Road. There are signs posted that says the speed limit is 45MPH for a school zone When Flashing. (You can see the signs using the street view on google maps) However, they are giving out tickets when the lights are not flashing. It is an intentional misleading posting. Many people are slowing down to 45 and then when seeing the lights are not flashing, they speed back up to the normal speed limit in that area, which is 55MPH. My ticket was for 56MPH and arrived a few weeks later by mail. It is a complete Scam. They are using a 3rd party private company to do the billing and collecting of the fines. Do not stop and buy anything in Tallulah Falls until they fix it.

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