Hwy 46, Buckwalter Pkwy

Bluffton, South CarolinaDec 16, 20020 Comments

Bluffton has always had the reputation of aggressive traffic enforcement, and I hate to admit it, but it works. I do not remember the last time I saw a wreck in the town, but nearby Hilton Head is a death trap. The local newspaper recently had an article on the "New, more compassionate" Bluffton Police Dept. I have no problem with more compassion, I just wish it had started last year. In the article, a cop is pictured on a traffic stop. The caption reads, "the driver was given a warning for his speed." The cop in the picture is the same one who wrote me a $150.00 tiket last year. He gave the driver in the article a warning, but told me last year, "The only warning you will get from me is the big black and white sign stating SPEED LIMIT 30." My insurance agent sure is glad Bluffton was not compassionate last year.

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