Hwy 58 Emporia

Emporia, VirginiaMay 24, 20180 Comments

I got pulled over by two officers in two separate police cruisers on 5/14/18 around noon. They said I was doing 57 in a 55 mph speed zone and asked to see my license and registration, and asked if I was in the military. I replied saying no and said that I was a legal assistant who worked for the Montgomery County Virginia Commonwealth’s Attorney. As I said this the other officer looked in my vehicle and realized that I had three dash cameras live and recording in my car (one on the front dash cam recording the front of my car, one in rear recording behind my car, and one facing the driver seat which actually could see what my speed odometer reads). I noticed that the officer viewing into my car backed away and perhaps signaled the other officer who was talking to me to dismiss the pullover because about 2 minutes later, he gave me my stuff back and said rudely “please drive safely.” As of this incident, I have submitted everything to my bosses and we will further investigate this incident as well as many others.

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