Hwy 65 just before Arkansas state line.

Lake Providence, LouisianaNov 30, 20101 Comments

Still no speed limit listed Nov 2010. My son plays football @ UCA and we have to go through there coming from MS. You can see for 10 miles so there is no reason other than speed trap to have the speed limit @ 55mph. When they mail you info on ticket, they send you their one page “driver improvement form” so for an additional $75.00, you can take their “course” to keep it off your driving record. This is solely a money maker for the East Carroll Parrish.

Yes, it's a speed trap. I always slow down going through there, even though the last speed limit sign you see in either direction is 55 mph. I slow down because I have been ticketed for doing 37 in a 25 when I was doing 27 in a 35 coming out of Lake Providence. Always go 10 under from about 5 miles north of lake Providence all the way south of Transylvania if you have out of state tags
#1Dec 01, 2012Report Abuse

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