Hwy 76 at East City Limits and by Car Wash

Branson West, MissouriJul 02, 20121 Comments

Local PD will sit just around blind curve and at bottom of hill on 76 just at the new city limits east of town. Usually sits on the southeast side of the road pointing east. Using hand held radar gun. The city limit sign has not been moved. Speed limit is 45 and very easy to exceed because of the hilly area. He is stopping traffic going both ways especially busy in the morning. State Trooper and local PD lurks at the side of the Car Wash across street from Oreily auto parts and several other places in town where speed is 35. Do the speed limit in town – they will give you a ticket. Both trooper and PD are very aggressive.

The problem is that there are no reduce speed ahead warning signs at eather end and the officers get you before you get to the posted speed limit signs. The west end heading east drops to 35mph no warning signs. there needs to be an engenering surve done and the warning signs posted proplery. IT'S the law !
#1Sep 07, 2012Report Abuse

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