Hwy. 76/74 at a curve where Hwy. 9 meets

Nichols, South CarolinaJun 10, 20133 Comments

As you enter Nichols going east toward Wilmington or the beach the speed goes from 55 to 35 mph. Then for about 2 blocks the speed drops to 25 mph. There are detour signs all around (which we were reading) and by the time the patrol car pulled us over we were sitting in front of a 40 mph sign. This definitely is the definition of a speed trap. We were really surprised to find out we were in a 25 mph zone. To be fair 25 mph was posted. We went back and checked, but we didn’t see them on our first pass thru Nichols. This will be our last time driving thru this town.

Yes it is it should be unlawful if the county is broke there are surly more ethical ways of getting money I was a victim myself officer got behind me and I was thinking where's he going in hurry and lord and behold he was coming after me a total shock being I was going 38mph
#1Jul 11, 2013Report Abuse
So the speed limit sign was posted where you could see it but this town is a speed trap?? Really! You deserve the ticket....
#2Apr 14, 2014Report Abuse
Yep it is a speed trap. Remember back in The Day when the Razzle Dazzle was operating and the chief used to record the license plates of the patrons though the club was in another county and then would target those vehicles when they left the place. Tip: cops will pursue you into next county as far as 2 miles under hot pursuit rules. Also, they sit by the speed limit signs so that you are nailed the minute you pass that sign. They also pick up people coming into town who try to coast down to the speed limit instead of sharply braking. It is better than it used to be when there was one speed limit on 76 going to the feed mill and out of town and a lower limit on the other side of the road coming into town. That one finally got busted. BTW, who is the town judge and what are his credentials? In SC, a town judge does not have to have any legal training or education in order to sit on cases
#3Dec 04, 2014Report Abuse

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