Hwy 84

Santa Anna, TexasAug 13, 20031 Comments

Typical good-ole-boy town. On the outskirts of town, a squad car sits parked behind a fruit stand, about 50 yards away from the 70 mph zone. Gets people in both directions, slowing down and speeding up. Be careful, these cops are a little “trigger happy””. The one who pulled me over kept his hand on his gun the entire time he talked to me.”

This local cop doesn't even ask where you've been, where you're going nothing but you were speeding. He sits at night with no lights behind that fruit stand and if your leaving town, lights you up at the 55mph sign and gives you a ticket for 56 in a 45! Thing is, you're already almost to the 70mph sign when he clocks you! It's probably this towns largest source of income. The way this money is spent should be investigated!
#1Apr 23, 2014Report Abuse

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