Hwy 95 South leaving Beatty

Beatty, NevadaJun 01, 20111 Comments

On Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 2:00PM approximately. As we were leaving town from a residential street (we stayed the night in Beatty), we stopped at the intersection and proceeded on HWY 95, south out of town. There were no speed signs at all! Then the sheriff (Highway Patrol?) lighted us up and pulled us over as we approached the first 25mph sign. He lit us up before any infraction happened. He was courteous but said we were traveling at 37 mph, but he wrote us up at 28 mph. Interestingly enough, we could see the 35 mph sign 100 – 200 ft away. There is no doubt that we were driving very safely and that there was no notice about the speed limit.
What else could it be than a classic speed trap? According to the Federal Highway Administration, Signs, like any other traffic control devices, must meet certain requirements. Among them is the requirement that signs “Give adequate time for proper response”. It further stipulates that “the posting of such signs has to be proven in order for the lower speed limit to be effective. If there is no evidence that signs were posted, the maximum speed limit controls.” If the state or local government’s attempt to comply with posting requirements is not reasonably likely to give actual notice to drivers of the lower speed limit, the lower speed limit will not be enforced.
The unfortunate situation about this obvious revenue method for the local community is that Nevada does not permit a written Trial by Declaration, so one must physically go to court in Beatty to fight the ticket.

We pulled out of the Rebal gas Station headed North on 95 when a local sherriff going in the opposite direction lit me up. Even before he could complete his U turn I was pulled over waiting for him. As he approached the car I already had my registration and proof of insurance ready. He didn't say good afternoon or ask do you know why I stopped you he simply took my documents and said he clocked me on radar doing 45 in a 25. I didn't think I was doing 45 in as much as I had just pulled out from the gas station but as a non local arguing doesn't do much good. It didn't matter a local guy in a pick up truck was tailgaiting me...what got the Sherriffs attention was my radar detector in the windshield. When he finaly wrote the ticket I accepted it and then said in no uncertian terms I thought Beatty was a speed trap and that's why I have a radar detector in the first place....I said I didn't see a posted 25 mile per hour speed limit as I left the station and asked him if being a non-local with a radar dectector had any influence on him targeting me. He didn't answer my question. What irritated me is when you leave the gas station headed north you've already passed through town and on your way to open highway with a 70 mile and hour posted speed limit. Folks...Be carful when traveling through Beatty Nevada....it's a speed trap to be sure...If I ever need to pass through Beatty again...I will not stop to buy gas, get a bite to eat or even use the bathroom.
#1Jan 31, 2012Report Abuse

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