Hwy 99 (southbound) as it turns into N. Main at Schofield

Ashland, OregonApr 30, 20101 Comments

Heading Southbound on Hwy 99 from second Ashland exit (towards city of Ashland), the speed decreases twice in increments of 10 miles per hour over a short distance. Just past the 35 mile sign a motorcycle cop hides on Schofield, or sometimes Sheridan and easily picks off unsuspecting travelers that haven’t adjusted down their speed yet. Ashland has a city policy that you can pay your ticket in full and if you don’t receive another one in a year, they exponge your citation. This is a total cash cow, speed trap.

Got a ticket here on Christmas day, traveling with daughter up from California after visiting elderly mom in Talent. Cop had really bad attitude and lied about my speed. Very unfriendly. This has been the third time I have been stopped by Oregon cops and highway patrol. First time for driving past cop on freeway who was really nasty. This because of new law just passed which I was unaware of saying that cars must move to left when cop or highway patrol car is off the highway for some bullshit safety reason. Did not ticket me as he had no cause and law was barely implemented. Second time i was stopped, lady cop claimed my rear brake light was no working. She lied. It wasn't. It's bad enough being pulled over for bullshit but even worse when the cops and highway patrol officers try to bully you by giving you commands like not to get out of your car (which is totally legal, btw). We understand that the goal is to make money for the city as well as to remind us of the authority of the state. The cops and highway patrol in Ashland are a bunch of fucking weenies who are power tripping and who enjoy acting all macho. I would like to get one of them off-duty and see how tough they are then. No doubt, they are fucking pussies. I will just stay out of Ashland and keep my money in Medford.
#1Dec 30, 2011Report Abuse

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