Hwy 99E

Aurora, OregonAug 01, 20010 Comments

Officers set up Orange Cones at certain areas of the hwy, if you are within that cones they will stop you. They also do this for Crosswalks and if you are within the cones when a pedestrian steps off the curb and y ou dont stop they will pull you over. Cones for cross walks are set at an unsafe stopping distance. This town will also stop you for ANYTHING and everything. I recently went to trial to plead my case. The office had no notes and very little recollection of the incident, lied to the judge, I called him on it and he twisted the story, the judge sided with him, this was for a smoked cover over my license plate. Resulting in a $100.00 fine. Apparantly even if you are right, the officer can lie and the judge will side with him. Unfair? Very much so!

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