Hwy 99W and 1st Ave.

Junction City, OregonDec 01, 20013 Comments

The speed limit decreased from a 55 mph zone to a 45 then 30 within less then a fifth of a mile. Officers radar vehicles within a tenth of a mile of the first 30 mph sign. This does not give motorist enough time to decelerate safely. I truly feel that this was a speed trap set for non-local residents since I was following two other vehicles with Oregon licenses plates and I was driving a rental car with California tags. I bet they don’t expect me to challenge this. I only live a half hour away.

yes this trap is true i am from CA i live here now and i have seen it. No ticket YET
#1Mar 07, 2010Report Abuse
My boyfriend got that ticket (he never speeds). He was slowing down but he wasn't able to to it that quickly. Now I just hit the break at the 45 sign so as to be going 30 by the time I get to the 30mph sigh. It doesn't make the people behind me happy but I make sure to be in the right lane.
#2Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse
Learn the truth about these issues and help stop policing for profit. You can take action now right here, http://powerteams.lifesview-blog.org/oregon-corrupt-officials-exposed/
#3Oct 26, 2014Report Abuse

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