I-45 in La Marque

La Marque, TexasApr 23, 20022 Comments

Two overpasses on the stretch of road between Dog Track and McDonalds. Troopers, Sherrifs, and City Cops sit on down hill side of overpass and have absolutely no tolerance for going over 55 or any other moving violations. I was ticketed for failure to signal when exiting on an off Ramp.

Actually, the speed limit in that area is 65, not 55, but the State & County cops DO sit there, mostly looking for speeders & drunks going to the beach in Galveston. approximate Mile Marker # is 15 (the numbers go down as you get closer to Galveston)
#1Mar 30, 2010Report Abuse
AS I said on the other post one of the S O deputies that work this is a complete A Hole. Writes all kinds of C S tickets
#2Jun 17, 2011Report Abuse

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