I-45 North and Southbound. Milemarker 259 ish.

Rice, TexasJul 01, 20012 Comments

Police officer sits in grassy median between north and southbound lanes of the freeway in complete darkness. Follows far behind you for a while and eventually stops you. Will get you for anything possible, even if you’re nice to him/her. Speed limit 70/65 It’s a small one horse town Called Rice Texas, The ticket prices are very high also.

Just to UPDATE old/incorrect information....The 259 mile marker is 17 miles north of the Rice City Limits. There is no grassy median within the 8 miles of Interstate 45 running through the city limits of Rice....it is all asphalt with a concrete safety barrier. The speed limit is posted 75 mph on the northbound and southbound lanes of the interstate. I can't comment on the ticket prices being high since I drive the speed limit and therefore escape the enforcement of speeding violators who deserve a ticket at any price....which is a small price to pay to save the life of one person because......SpeedKills!
#1Sep 02, 2012Report Abuse
They must not make any money unless they hide on I45. He followed me and got me for not signaling when I changed lanes also the speeding = $506. Rice is a Podunk little POS town !!!!!
#2May 15, 2014Report Abuse

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