I 57 south bound. Mile marker

Cairo, IllinoisOct 16, 20160 Comments

ILLINOIS TRAVELERS BEWARE MY FINE WAS $810 PLUS LAWERS FEE $15O TOTAL $960 FOR A ILLINOIS SPEED TRAP…BUT THEY WERE KIND ANOUGH TO ONLY CHARGE ME WITH IMPROPER PARKING VIOLATION SO IT WONT GO ON MY RECORD…I 57 south bound. Mile marker 9. Officer said I was 62 in a 45 in construction zone with workers present. My complaint is The Speed posted was 70 then dropped to 65 then to 55. He said there is a 45 sign ( I did not see ) also he said it was a construction zone with workers present. The only workers I saw was the police puling over cars and no construction equipment just orange barrels I had my cruse set at 70 and was decelerating when I saw the 65 sign .

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