I-635 between I-20 and Mesquite city limits

Balch Springs, TexasSep 25, 20141 Comments

Balch Springs PD consistently use laser on both sides of I-635 in their city limits. The speed limit is 60 MPH. I went to court to fight my ticket and at the pre-trial hearing the city attorney stated that Balch Springs had received grant money to perform heavy speed enforcement due to many traffic accidents occurring on I-635. The problem with that is there are many traffic accidents all over the DFW metroplex on a daily basis but you don’t see the kind of heavy enforcement you do in Balch Springs. I tend to believe it is much more about bringing a lot of revenue into a small, poor suburban city with many legal problems than in trying to prevent traffic accidents on I-635.

how did the court rule on your violation? I just received a ticket in this area and feel that my car (pick up) speed was incorrect. I was stuck behind a tractor-trailer and a sports car was passing me on my left and I think the laser picked up the sports car's speed but the officer pulled me over.
#1Nov 14, 2014Report Abuse

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