I-77, Rte. 21 and pretty much anywhere in the city

Brecksville, OhioJun 14, 20022 Comments

Brecksville will pull anyone over at anytime for any reason… DO NOT go too fast, DO NOT go too slow, NEVER get into a car accident(as anyone who even heard it will get a ticket), and finally DO NOT turn, turn on your blinker, look like you might turn, turn around in a parking lot, use your brights, change the radio station, breathe heavily, pass gas, etc. if an officer of the law is behind you, you WILL get pulled over…

Brecksville is noted for DWB - Driving while Black. Many people use I-77 or Rte. 21 from Akron north to Cleveland. I have often observed two squad cars blocking in a stopped car on I-77. Not a fair situation at all because stops are made for no apparent other reason besides speeding.
#1Oct 26, 2010Report Abuse
How do you know what the stop was for and how do you know what the officer's have in the car??? How on gods green earth could you know if the car was stolen, driver had felony warrant, etc.? Are you psychic?
#2Jan 19, 2018Report Abuse

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