I-90 in WY between South Dakota and Montana

Sheridan, WyomingFeb 11, 20121 Comments

There are at least two car cops hiding in different places along the segment between SD and MT, but their favorite spot is around Sheridan (Crook County), Exits 334 or 338. Their preference is for cars with license plates from States other than WY.

This person is completely lost. Sheridan is in Sheridan county, perhaps they were thinking of Sundance, which is in Crook county. I90 starts about thirty miles north of Sheridan at the Montana border at MP 0 and ends at the South Dakota border MP 256, so there are no exits 334 or 338. If you only see two cops in 256 miles of road it's hardly a speed trap but WHP does like to hide and will happily steal whatever they can from you.
#1Sep 24, 2018Report Abuse

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