I380 Through Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids, IowaSep 29, 20131 Comments

There are two sign mounted speed cameras and one portable camera in use. The portable is in a red Jeep. Locals get caught by them too, if not careful. Posted limit is 55. It appears the cameras don’t ‘fire’ until around 62 or 63. I set my cruse at 56-57 and rarely have anyone pass me. The cameras have nailed State VIP’s. There’s no exception, everyone gets treated the same. Local PD have been ticketed in their patrol cars. The city had to set up a special court system just to handle the large number of people contesting their tickets. Wait time is still several months. If you drove much past 60mph, it got you.

As a long time Cedar Rapids resident I love the speed cameras on I 380. I commute at least 4 times a day thru the speed cameras and have never gotten a ticket ! How can you do that ? Don't speed ! I set my cruise control at 60 mph and never have a worry ! Before the cameras that part of 380 had multiple fatality accidents every year ! Cars and trucks would crash over the guard rails and land on the ground or in the river below ! Since the cameras Not one Fatality ! Not One ! It is about Safety ! Slow down to the speed limit and every one get's home safely !
#1May 10, 2015Report Abuse

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