Indiana Hwy. 37 Between Bedford, IN and Bloomington, IN

Harrodsburg, IndianaFeb 25, 20101 Comments

Just north of the Harrodsburg exit on Indiana Hwy. 37, there is a turn-around (for emergency vehicles only) and nearly every morning, sitting in an un-marked car, facing north is (I believe) a State Policeman. Funny thing is he only seems to grab people heading south, although a friend of mine got nabbed by him going north-bound but we figure it was as the cop was turning around after grabbing a south-bound income enhancer. Keep it under 70 when heading north and he probably will leave you alone.

On old road 37 at the gas station the speed limit drops to 35 MPH and the state police sit at the car was and issue tickets. they can not be seen from either direction. Also around the over pass of Smithville road at the bottom of the hill they sit on the east side of the road where they can not be seen
#1May 20, 2011Report Abuse

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