Inside city limits on Rt 19

Summersville, West VirginiaSep 01, 20010 Comments

Coming north on Rt 19 after the posted 50mph sign coming down hill saw that light at bottom of hill was red took foot of gas to wait to wait for light to turn green. there i saw other cars waiting for light it turned green the cars pulled away from light I went through light. I saw lights halfway up the hill behind me so I slowed up I thought he was on mission so I pulled over to let cop go on I guess he saw tag so he pulled in behind me so I stoped.By the way I nevergot close to the cars that was at the light.It is A speed trap and i knew it because I was from summersville so I Sugest that each person tell someone that Summersville is A speed trap And for them to tell 10 people and dont spend Any money in Summersville.and if possible by pass summersville.

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