intersection of Manning Ave. and Westervelt Ave.

North Plainfield, New JerseyJun 22, 20100 Comments

On June 14th, 2010 at about 8:43 A.M. North Plainfield ran a speed trap at the intersection of Manning Ave. and Westervelt Ave. for about 15 minutes. They typically run these “radar details” for about 15 minutes in different places at just about any time during the day or night. The exact coordinates of the location of the police vehicle (in this case a P71 Crown Victoria) were 40.624806, -74.424412 which is directly next to a sign that says “no parking here to corner”. Car was facing northbound on correct side of Westervelt Ave. just behind a big tree and next the mentioned sign. Cop could get clear readings from 3 out of 4 directions with the exception being behind where the officer was sitting. I would be most worried of getting caught in this if I was travelling westbound on Manning Ave. approaching and not being able to see the patrol car without distant early warning comming up on my port “left side facing forward” side-even considering that Manning has all the stop signs going north & south and Westervelt pretty much doesn’t for most of it’s spanning stretch going north & south.

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