Interstate 25 South of Cheyenne near Colorado State line to Cheyenne

Cheyenne, WyomingMar 10, 20062 Comments

This section of I-25 is very heavily patrolled. Much of the time, three or four dark brown sedans or SUVs will be patrolling this 12-mile stretch of Interstate south of Cheyenne to the Colorado Border.

Tickets be issued for speeds over 79 mph. This is in contrast to Northern Colorado where you will be left alone up to 85 mph.

Often, they will sit right at the border on the northbound lanes and use radar that points out the rear window. They will sit on the shoulder just a few yards on the Wyoming side of the border with all lights off at night. Sometimes it is done during the weeee hours of the night.

This 12-mile-long speed trap has been in place for years.

Its' my understanding that the speed limit is 75 mph if you are driving at 79 mph you deserve a ticket. It seems to me they are just doing their jobs. Maybe Colorado needs to do more policing.
#1May 03, 2010Report Abuse
Its' my understanding that there are bigger problems to be worried about. It seems to me they are just making money for the state. Maybe Colorado was smart enough to get rid of badge heavy cops like you.
#2Sep 03, 2010Report Abuse

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