Interstate 279 North near McKnight Road

Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAug 25, 20040 Comments

Here is the newest, illegal ploy invented by the Pennsylvania State Police to rope in your hard earned money. Today, on I-279 Northbound, near the McKnight Road Exit, they placed one of those orange LED speed readout signs. These are fairly common, most people don’t really bat an eye at them. However, this one, was being monitored by State Troopers up the road who pulled over 52 motorists today according to our Pittsburgh ABC news affiliate. When will the troppers learn that they MUST be "obvious and visable." Sitting a half-mile away from a radar detector and then pulling over a vehicle that you didn’t physically observe breaking the law is NOT LEGAL. Anyone who got caught up in this, FIGHT your ticket. Meanwhile, be care on I-279. The PSP has been targeting this road for the past few months now, so, to play it safe, try not to exceed 65 or so.

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