Interstate 30

Greenville, TexasJun 02, 20051 Comments

This is the biggest speedtrap I’ve seen in Texas. DPS cops continually patrol this strech of I-30 between Greeville and Rockwall. My wife received two tickets in a year’s time on this stretch of highway. This is a high enforcement area, my advice is to be very cautious through here.

On April 17th my sister was traveling down I-30 with me and my dad in the vehicle. They pulled us over for failure to display front license plate. A controlled substance was in the car which belonged to my father and they arrested me for it. The Trooper even heard for two different people that it didn't belong to me. Not only is this a speed trap, it is how Hunt County gets paid. Don't pass through there and get caught off guard. You will pay big time.
#1Mar 08, 2011Report Abuse

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