Interstate 40

Shamrock, TexasAug 24, 20072 Comments

Any out of state license is subject to so called speeding, they will approach you in a rest stop and tell you were speeding. US Mail to Mclean court for settlement; best to avoid this area and drive 10 mile under the limit, go straight thru and don,t even stop for gas or spend any money. Watch this area.

Might have a problem if you use US Mail to McLean for a ticket received in Wheeler County as McLean is in Gray County. Someone does not have their facts together.
#1Jul 30, 2010Report Abuse
Exactly as someone else mentioned: Stater sitting hidden back up in a rest stop popping people as they pass the ramp from the rest stop back to the highway. Pretty much a lame speed trap because this is literally in the middle of NOWHERE, and the ground is so flat you can see for miles and almost see the curve of the earth. Absolutely nothing to look at to make the drive anything less than tortuous....and then they put staters there to make it even worse. Do NOT speed, no matter how tempted you may be. (long ticket story ahead) I've been pulled over for speeding on highways many times, it's part of the revenue game and I don't particularly stress about it, however my calm demeanor seemed to make the stater here even angrier after his opening salvo of "where the (expletive) are you going ***hole?!" when he first walked up to the car. He was extremely high strung, aggressive, foul mouthed, and insulting. I've dealt with probably 30 or so staters all over the country over the years and this one was without a doubt the worst I've ever seen. Super, super angry and nasty and confrontational. Snatched the license out of my hand. Spit repeatedly while yelling questions at me about my destination and cargo. Sarcastic and rolling eyes at every response. Asked me if I was "stupid" for accidentally handing him an old insurance card (a big whopping 3 months out of date) etc etc. Just an overall unprofessional and incredibly nasty individual. The icing on the cake, my wife made the mistake of asking the 'Officer' if speeding tickets in TX would count on our insurance in our state. Trooper's eyes widened, he turned red, then he actually said "You know two follow me. Right the **** now. We're going into town and talking to the judge over this, and you're paying that ****ing ticket today on the spot. RIGHT NOW....FOLLOW ME." So I ended up following him into the lovely scenic 'town' of McLean Texas to appear before the Justice of the Peace at the phone-booth sized 'courthouse'. Yes, for a speeding ticket. A speeding ticket I didn't even argue about. At this point things turned even more surreal. The JOP was a upper middle aged woman who looked like a church matron. As soon as the stater came into the presence of the JOP his demeanor changed completely. It was all "yes ma'am" and polite and smiling. I could not believe my eyes and ears. So this stater who was shouting, spittle-flying, cursing, red faced and apoplectic 10 minutes before is now acting completely different, it was "aw shucks these folks and their baby had questions about if they could plead their case and pay their ticket right now". I was standing there watching this act, open mouthed in shock. The JOP turned to me and asked politely, 'well how do you plead?' And I quickly replied "guilty". She seemed nonplussed at this answer, and asked me to repeat myself, then asked why I was speeding. I replied that I was in the middle of nothing, in a hurry to get across country, and the 'officer' had me speed trapped dead to rights, so I'd like to just pay the fine and get on with it. At this point I was finally given the magic number they wanted so we paid with cash (insisted on a receipt also, for obvious reasons) and left. Finally. 3.5 hours after our first contact with that 'officer'. A thoroughly amazing and confusing experience.
#2Oct 24, 2011Report Abuse

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