Interstate 44 – Between Exits 214 and 218

Bourbon, MissouriJan 31, 20102 Comments

Watch out for these cops. They have a special cop car that says Highway Safety Unit or something like that on it. Their city limits were extended only to include the outer road and Interstate for 4 miles from town. If I am not mistaken, only the highway patrol can pull you over though here, due to the fact that it is not in a metropolitan area. I see them about 8-10 times as I drive through here. Also, when they are doing their “revenue enhancement” stops, they conduct themselves in an unsafe manner, pulling motorists over on the other side of hills where they cannot be seen.

This is the city of Bourbon PD. They use to be out there EVERYDAY (almost 24/7) until the city court became overwhelmed with 'Not Guilty' pleas. The city council may have rained them in some, but they are still out there a lot, especially holiday traffic week-ends.
#1Aug 08, 2010Report Abuse
If it's in the city limits interstate or not they can stop and write you.
#2Aug 21, 2011Report Abuse

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