Interstate 440 near Six Forks Road

Raleigh, North CarolinaJan 08, 20040 Comments

White unmarked Chevy Blazer parked in the emergency pull off lane of outer 440, another white unmarked Blazer parked on the Capital Blvd On-Ramp to I-440 Inner Beltline. I have no idea what type of speed measuring method they were using since my radar detector did not go off. Also on the Capital Blvd On-Ramp sat a Raleigh PD marked car to catch whoever the officer in the Blazer Radioed him to pull. There was approximately 4-5 cars pulled over within a 1/2 mile stretch, each by individual squad cars. Great to see our tax dollars at work to keep these extremely dangerous criminals off the street. Speed Limit is 60 MPH, Traffic normally flows at 70+. I set my cruise at 69 and have never had a problem.

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