Interstate 45 Northbound Feeder near The Woodlands

Oak Ridge, TexasFeb 13, 20081 Comments

Be careful with the Oak Ridge North police. They are pissed off that all the rich people like the other side of the freeway, and sit out on the feeder road all day writing the rich people tickets. They’ll write you for 37 in a 35, after coming off a freeway exit ramp.

The speed limit is 45 and if you speed they will write you a ticket! God bless our cops, I would not want their job! If you dont have a license, insurance or inspection sticker dont come here, they will get you and We are So Glad!! They keep all the bums out of here that dont follow the law like everyone else! Just get in a wreck with someone with no insurance and you to would be happy for them to come down hard on these people! We have a Great police department here in Oak Ridge North, all you have to do is obey the law and they want bother you, break it and you will pay the price!! We chose to live here over the Woodlands because of the police!
#1Jul 05, 2010Report Abuse

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