Interstate 5 near Exit Numbers 42 through 52 Northbound

Kelso, WashingtonJun 30, 20080 Comments

Unmarked Dark Grey Crown Victoria, driving northbound I-95 Kelso – Castle Rock – Vader stretch, for 20 miles, exits 42 trough 52. The cop is always driving the middle lane, and for brief moments the rightmost lane, waiting for cars to use the leftmost lane for passing. The cop will turn around and go southbound at the "free coffee" rest area that follows exit 52, where the 3+3 lanes interstate tuns into 2 lanes northbound, and 2 lanes southbound. Kelso 3 lanes northbound is the mark. The grey crown vic has foldable black 2nd driver side mirror. The Red-Blue lights can only seen from some 40ft distance if you really know to look for them. The crown vic + "nobody would buy this color" was the only telltale. Stealth. The cop is accompanied by unexplainable "congestion" of middle and right lane, with left eerily void of traffic. Same modus operandi can also be seen on I-95 in state of Maine, where 3+3 (and 4+4) northbound are followed all the way til the interstate narrows down into 2+2 lanes.


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