Interstate 61 near Past Troy Exit

Troy, MissouriApr 23, 20061 Comments

Troy Police are watching southbound 61 traffic only when you pass the Troy exit there is a cop in a parking lot with no close access to the highway, he is only doing radar and he radios to other cops and they pull the speeders over further down. When I passed through there there were 2 Crowns with someone pulled over and there was an Impala waiting to catch someone and then of course the cop only doing radar. So when coming through hre go the Speed Limit 65.

I heard about this sight and had to check it out. Regarding Hwy 79 in Winfield and Foley located in Missouri. These speed signs are clearly marked and speed reduction and warning signs are posted. All of which are posted by the Missouri Department of Public Safety. If you have a problem on the placement of the signs you need to talk to them. Also there is no such thing as a speed trap just because you cant pay attention to the signs. A speed trap is when several Officers converge on one small area one or more running radar and several others pulling the violators over. Get It Right!
#1Nov 20, 2014Report Abuse

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