Interstate 70 near Pennsylvania Turnpike

Breezewood, PennsylvaniaMay 19, 20042 Comments

Posted speed limit on PA Turnpike is 65; most are esily doing 70-75. Posted speed limit on I70 is 55. To get on I70 South, one must go through Breezewood; there is no ramp from the turnpike to the interstate. As you might expect, the speed trap is right at the point where you have reached your comfortable cruising speed of 70.

In my opinion, there is a speed trap from Breezewood, PA, to the Maryland boarder on I-70. It starts out immediately when you get on I-70 from Breezewood and see a number of 55mph signs with red flags on them for no apparent reason. this continues for about 7 to 9 miles and then the signs get fewer and seem to stop for a number of miles. The average driver might very well think the speed limit is no longer 55mph since there is no construction or reason for this lower speed limit and no moe signs going SE, so many start going a faster and that's when they catch you. It seems an obvious money maker rather than a needed safety requirement. People who travel this road often are aware of the danger of getting a traffic ticket between Breezewood and the Maryland boarder on I-70.
#1Oct 31, 2011Report Abuse
Drivers need to be aware that the police in this area are not trained to recognize the fomats of out of state drivers licenses, nor to effectively look those up on their system in the patrol car. So you can be charged for driving without a license, and have to return to the area to go to the court with additional DMV proof of license. No consideration will be given to the cost and time expended for you to travel back to this area, nor will it matter if you were willing to pay the speeding fine by mail.
#2Aug 16, 2012Report Abuse

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