Interstate 79 North near Milcreek Mall

Erie, PennsylvaniaMar 11, 20061 Comments

After going past the mall (off to your right) on I-79 North, you will see two roads that cross the interstate. The local police Constantly sit behind the base of the second overpass (38th street). I drive this road daily and it is Totally impossible to see when they are there. Sometimes they park the cruiser at an impossible parked position, and radio speeding citizens vehicle information ahead to other state troopers. Speed limit also drops to 55mph instead of 65mph, shortly before here. They also have a good straight stretch to catch you in after trap as well.

the speed limit on I-79 north drops to 55mph all the back by I-90, not shortly before 38th st.
#1Mar 29, 2010Report Abuse

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