Interstate 8 near Ocatillo Wells

El Centro, CaliforniaOct 31, 20073 Comments

As you come down the grade from San Diego on Interstate 8, as you hit the desert floor, there are usually one or two patrol cars cruising the road. Also on some occasions, they use a helicopter or airplane. The speed limit is 70mph but average speeds are a little faster than that. It’s just better to be safe and go the limit until you pass El Centro. It’s a long stretch of road, but they enforce it fairly well.

It is spelled Ocotillo. Not Ocotillo Wells - Ocotillo Wells is on Hwy. 78.
#1Dec 09, 2009Report Abuse
Absolutely a speed trap! The road is flat and 70 mph is slow for this area. Rather than wasting time with manpower in this area, let's raise the speed limit to 75 and be more reasonable concerning the speed in this area and spend the time on areas that are truely dangerous.
#2Apr 28, 2010Report Abuse
Thanks to the earlier commenter for correcting the spelling and location of the two towns...Ocotillo and Ocotillo Wells. I say this is not a 'speed trap' because 70 is already too high a limit. Drivers coming out of the mountains probably feel an urge to 'stretch' after fighting the curves and the resultant annoyances caused by overly cautious others and slow-moving trucks down the long grade from In-Ko-Pah, but jamming the pedal to the metal is a stupid and unsafe way to go. And btw, the helicopters frequently seen in this area are more likely Border Patrol scouting for illegal aliens than police watching for speeders.
#3Jun 02, 2010Report Abuse

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