Interstate 80, both sides of Winnemucca

Winnemucca, NevadaJan 26, 20141 Comments

They make full use of the seizure laws. They will clock you with radar and pull you over for ever a few miles over the limit. Then they will have their drug dog sniff your car. If the dog hits on drugs, they have an automatic search warrant and search your car. The fact is, most money in the USA has some drugs on it and the dog can hit on that. So they search your car and find money. If you are taking a large sume to go buy a car, they seize it as drug money. They do not have to press charges against you, they can simply seize the money and you have a devil of a time getting it back. One guy is having to sue them to get his money back. This has happened repeatedly so be warned. Better stick right to the speed limit if you have some money with you. And if it is just a simply traffic stop for speeding and they pull up with a dog, you are hosed. The dog WILL bark.

Looks like highway robbery by the cops is occurring in Humboldt County. There is profiling by the cops going on. I would not recommend any male driving by himself to drive on I-80 in Humboldt County Nevada as the Sheriff's Department will profile you as a drug trafficker and pull you over. Watch the dash cam video of a legal shakedown on KLAS Las Vegas website. This is America?
#1May 01, 2014Report Abuse

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