Joliet Street near Just southwest of US 30 Lincoln Hwy.

New Lenox, IllinoisMar 29, 20061 Comments

Cops sit in subdivision under construction and their cars are out of the line of vision. They focus on far westbound traffic on Joliet Highway behind Target and Lowe’s. The limit is an ungodly 25 MPH. One feels as if he could shut off the engine, run his foot on the ground , and still get rung up. There is NO forgiveness there for anything over 28!

This stretch of Joliet Hwy continues to be a speed trap. Recently while traveling on the road I have witnessed frequent police cars (sometimes two or three of them) parked on side roads, and at least twice in the past couple of weeks, cars have been pulled over. To make it worse, there is currently no speed limit posted for the first 1/2 mile after turning onto Joliet Hwy from Route 30. It is very difficult to keep the speed at 25 mph, and the moment the speed limit sign is passed, (.2 miles from Schoolhouse Road) a police car jumps out to stop the person. With all the construction on 30 right now, many people who usually don’t travel Joliet Hwy are doing so, and they may not be aware of the surprisingly low speed limit.
#1Jun 24, 2013Report Abuse

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